
Showing posts from July, 2015

Beautiful Art

So in these past several weeks TTH, or more of Community Development Team, have been on break out in the communities because of school break. Besides putting together new schedules for the ASP and preparing, there has been some bits of down time. And in these 3 weeks I think God is teaching me a lot. Here is a little song I put together... I give you my heart and my soul to you, for you are my strength and my overview, so open my eyes to see more of you, Hosanna forever we worship you. God showed me roots that have been growing in my life that I have never really put any effort to dig up. But in these times of being very vulnerable with God it becomes just opening yourself to him and laying everything down before him. This song could basically summarize my time during this break. God is leading me to some big stuff. Things that bring self-worth and ability to overcome. Who I am! I just see this picture of this long math problem I'm trying to solve, and...