Good Father

As I am sitting here at a restaurant I am looking back from this week, last week, last several months. Man. Time has flown by. Beginning of the year I was, and still am, leading the ASP and tutoring in Mbonisweni, February my parents came to visit and to work, May I went home, August our annual Day of Royalty. It has been a full, crazy fun year.
I have been trying to process these last few months and how much change has come in a small amount of time. Positions and opportunities were open and every time I felt uneasy but willing, I felt short of experience, capacity, leadership but willing. There is this book I have been slowly reading that shared something that impacted my look at daily life. God doesn't want us to just do things thinking its good for the Kingdom, which it could be amazing work, but it is not what God is doing. He has his plans and he wants us to join him. Instead of doing just stand, and watch. Notice where God is revealing himself and that leaves an opportunity for us to jump in. That is where I have been at for some months. There has been many changes with TTH. Staff members leaving, programs and responsibilities growing. To be honest, I didn't see God right away. I felt like I was getting handed things just because we all needed to carry some extra weight. But as my capacity was overflowing I didn't know what to do but turn to God. When I surrendered he swooped right in. There has been instances when I am looking back on the day I laugh because I wonder how in the world I got through it. I see God has been growing my capacity or what we like to say on base, "He is upgrading our batteries". And most importantly, I am not alone. I have even been stretched to vocally say I need help, or asking questions. If you know me, that is quite hard.

I feel like I am in a sour but sweet position in life right now. If that makes any sense. Tasks and projects are challenging me but I am seeing God is with me, enoucraging and equipping. None of this has been a regret. It is awesome to have a Father that sees and knows so much more than we know of ourselves. Im not sure what God has for me next year, but maybe that's alright for right now, he will show.

Time to go back to the internetless base. It has been good Magnolias!
