God can fix trucks?!
Our second week in Swaziland but our first week in a new community, Mpofu. Our duty that week was to run a revival service for a church. It was an awesome experience being able to run a whole service, doing the preaching, dramas and songs. And seeing the revivals of many adults and the youth. Having that fire burn for God again and going back to that first love they had for God. But to start the week off the preacher, of the church we would be with, gave us the job to do some home visits in his community. Yeah let's go!! It was Monday morning and we all piled into this small bukkie, a truck. A team of 10, there was 8 sitting in the bed of the truck, don't worry its "safe" in Africa, someone in the passenger seat and me the driver. The night before, our leaders went with the pastor to his church to introduce themselves. As we turned onto a dirt road that morning Mzwandile, one of the leaders, couldn't remember where the church was. It was dark when they went ...