God can fix trucks?!
Our second week in Swaziland but our first week in a new community, Mpofu. Our duty that week was to run a revival service for a church. It was an awesome experience being able to run a whole service, doing the preaching, dramas and songs. And seeing the revivals of many adults and the youth. Having that fire burn for God again and going back to that first love they had for God. But to start the week off the preacher, of the church we would be with, gave us the job to do some home visits in his community.
Yeah let's go!!
It was Monday morning and we all piled into this small bukkie, a truck. A team of 10, there was 8 sitting in the bed of the truck, don't worry its "safe" in Africa, someone in the passenger seat and me the driver. The night before, our leaders went with the pastor to his church to introduce themselves. As we turned onto a dirt road that morning Mzwandile, one of the leaders, couldn't remember where the church was. It was dark when they went yesterday! ...Uh-oh
For at least an hour we went up and down these dirt roads taking every turn and unable to avoid every pothole and divot covering the roads. Mzwandile was becoming frustrated from forgetting where the church was, the hot sun was beginning to bake everyone on the bed of the truck, and I had a fever feeling like I could throw-up at any moment. No one could really put on a real smile.
We pulled up to this small bridge over a river with people washing their clothes. One of us asked if they knew of this church we were searching for and they did! Thank you Lord! We were going to make it. We turned the truck around and headed to the church. After some driving and one turn, we reached the church gates! Not thinking of the person that lead us to the church we had to drop her off back at the bridge..
By this time my body was already exhausted. The heat of the sun, driving with unavoidable "trenches" and the fever to top it off. This day has got to get better right?
Mzwandile and I were just a few hundred meters from the church, we turned the final corner and the last of bumps, but the bukkie had enough. It was like the truck was put in a choke hold. Completely died with no warning. Nothing wanted to work, the key turned but absolutely nothing happened. My mouth dropped and Mzwandiles jaw clinched. He was not having it anymore. We jumped out of the truck and quickly opened the hood. We stood there attempting to look like we knew what we are doing, pointing out the battery and such, sticking our fingers probably where they shouldn't. But with our knowledge of cars, nothing looked damaged or wrong. And to make the situation sound even worse, this truck was the pastors. He sacrificed his transportation for us to use in those 3 weeks in Mpofu.
In a short amount of minutes we gave up and decided to leave it where it was and walk to the church, with the team waiting for us not knowing what just happened. After sharing the news our leaders agreed that Mzwandile and I would go back to the truck and figure out what to do while the rest of the team stuck to the plan and continued with the home visits.
Mzwandile had a great idea to try and push start the car. I thought we would actually get the truck running! But again nothing happened. We lost all hope, this truck was dead. After a few minutes of observing the engine more we pushed the bukkie in some shade and walked back to the church with disappointment. We found a perfect tree with shade in the church property and laid our tired bodies on the grass. After a long break of silence between us, trying to clear our minds, I was reminded of something. That morning before we left the house to begin the day I had volunteered to speak a testimony or of some encouragements in the homes we would visit. I had planned to talk about resting in Gods presence and peace. As that thought came to me I realized what I was doing at that moment. I was resting in his peace! I quickly shared with Mzwandile what I was just reminded and we both laughed about it, wondering what God was trying to tell us. But then, again, my mind went back to the morning and what I read in my devotion. It was about being thankful in any circumstance.
Earlier I really couldn't think the day could turn out good anymore. Nothing was going our way. But in just a few minutes the day had turned around, from what I was reminded. That morning driving all over our attitude, mine and Mzwandiles, were not good and I think God decided we needed a time out. There's a purpose to everything right? Our time out was to rest in His peace, cool down our minds and be reminded to be thankful in all that God has done, what He's created. To just be thankful. Once our laughter ran out, we played the thankful game. All it is, you just name three things that your thankful for. In the matter of just minutes, maybe seconds, our attitudes had changed and we were thankful that God had put us under this tree and under His presence. We began seeing the beauty of Swaziland!
Some hours passed and the rest of the team were coming down the dirt road. The day was finished, but, we still had one more thing to do. The bukkie. Together we walked to the truck. Immediately we all agreed that we would pray over the truck before we tried to start it. Not going to lie, it did feel a little weird praying for a truck. We had some laying on the hood, in the bed, inside the truck. We were all over. I was sitting in the drivers seat praying for the keys and holding them like I just found precious gold. Eventually we all finished praying every prayer for this little bukkie. I put the key in and turned it over...........
Waaahhhh! All of us jumped out of our shoes, running, screaming, waving our arms. It was incredible. The drive home was not at all quiet but filled with laughter, songs, thankfulness, praising and rejoicing our Fathers awesome name.
Be Thankful. In every situation. Mzwandile and I thanked God that the bukkie was broken down and that He put us under that tree and in His peace. You are frustrated? Your lost? Confused? Happy or Joyful? Thank God for where you are, for what He has done for you, for how incredible He is. For his Love!
I challenge you right now!
The Thankful Game. All you need to do is say three things you are thankful for. Can be anything!
And hopefully you will be encouraged to keep listing things your thankful for cause God will bless you and remind you of the great love and care He has for you!
Yeah let's go!!
It was Monday morning and we all piled into this small bukkie, a truck. A team of 10, there was 8 sitting in the bed of the truck, don't worry its "safe" in Africa, someone in the passenger seat and me the driver. The night before, our leaders went with the pastor to his church to introduce themselves. As we turned onto a dirt road that morning Mzwandile, one of the leaders, couldn't remember where the church was. It was dark when they went yesterday! ...Uh-oh
We pulled up to this small bridge over a river with people washing their clothes. One of us asked if they knew of this church we were searching for and they did! Thank you Lord! We were going to make it. We turned the truck around and headed to the church. After some driving and one turn, we reached the church gates! Not thinking of the person that lead us to the church we had to drop her off back at the bridge..
By this time my body was already exhausted. The heat of the sun, driving with unavoidable "trenches" and the fever to top it off. This day has got to get better right?
Mzwandile and I were just a few hundred meters from the church, we turned the final corner and the last of bumps, but the bukkie had enough. It was like the truck was put in a choke hold. Completely died with no warning. Nothing wanted to work, the key turned but absolutely nothing happened. My mouth dropped and Mzwandiles jaw clinched. He was not having it anymore. We jumped out of the truck and quickly opened the hood. We stood there attempting to look like we knew what we are doing, pointing out the battery and such, sticking our fingers probably where they shouldn't. But with our knowledge of cars, nothing looked damaged or wrong. And to make the situation sound even worse, this truck was the pastors. He sacrificed his transportation for us to use in those 3 weeks in Mpofu.
In a short amount of minutes we gave up and decided to leave it where it was and walk to the church, with the team waiting for us not knowing what just happened. After sharing the news our leaders agreed that Mzwandile and I would go back to the truck and figure out what to do while the rest of the team stuck to the plan and continued with the home visits.
Mzwandile had a great idea to try and push start the car. I thought we would actually get the truck running! But again nothing happened. We lost all hope, this truck was dead. After a few minutes of observing the engine more we pushed the bukkie in some shade and walked back to the church with disappointment. We found a perfect tree with shade in the church property and laid our tired bodies on the grass. After a long break of silence between us, trying to clear our minds, I was reminded of something. That morning before we left the house to begin the day I had volunteered to speak a testimony or of some encouragements in the homes we would visit. I had planned to talk about resting in Gods presence and peace. As that thought came to me I realized what I was doing at that moment. I was resting in his peace! I quickly shared with Mzwandile what I was just reminded and we both laughed about it, wondering what God was trying to tell us. But then, again, my mind went back to the morning and what I read in my devotion. It was about being thankful in any circumstance.
Earlier I really couldn't think the day could turn out good anymore. Nothing was going our way. But in just a few minutes the day had turned around, from what I was reminded. That morning driving all over our attitude, mine and Mzwandiles, were not good and I think God decided we needed a time out. There's a purpose to everything right? Our time out was to rest in His peace, cool down our minds and be reminded to be thankful in all that God has done, what He's created. To just be thankful. Once our laughter ran out, we played the thankful game. All it is, you just name three things that your thankful for. In the matter of just minutes, maybe seconds, our attitudes had changed and we were thankful that God had put us under this tree and under His presence. We began seeing the beauty of Swaziland!
Some hours passed and the rest of the team were coming down the dirt road. The day was finished, but, we still had one more thing to do. The bukkie. Together we walked to the truck. Immediately we all agreed that we would pray over the truck before we tried to start it. Not going to lie, it did feel a little weird praying for a truck. We had some laying on the hood, in the bed, inside the truck. We were all over. I was sitting in the drivers seat praying for the keys and holding them like I just found precious gold. Eventually we all finished praying every prayer for this little bukkie. I put the key in and turned it over...........
Waaahhhh! All of us jumped out of our shoes, running, screaming, waving our arms. It was incredible. The drive home was not at all quiet but filled with laughter, songs, thankfulness, praising and rejoicing our Fathers awesome name.
Be Thankful. In every situation. Mzwandile and I thanked God that the bukkie was broken down and that He put us under that tree and in His peace. You are frustrated? Your lost? Confused? Happy or Joyful? Thank God for where you are, for what He has done for you, for how incredible He is. For his Love!
I challenge you right now!
The Thankful Game. All you need to do is say three things you are thankful for. Can be anything!
And hopefully you will be encouraged to keep listing things your thankful for cause God will bless you and remind you of the great love and care He has for you!
thanks indeed i have also been writing three things am thankful for at the end of my day, and thats has been great and has encouraged me