
Showing posts from 2014

God has got this

I just have come to realize while I'm sitting here eating my breakfast  that God has this all under control. Lately since our new ASP, after school program, has started I have been pretty stressed, confused, frustrated leading the tutoring program. At least the planning and structure part. It's been something all new for me and learning new things every day. And especially during this time I am learning... I AM NOT ALONE. I have this amazing group of people that understand what I'm going through and with much more experience than me. For a couple weeks I have been praying for strength to not be afraid to ask for help to use these people that God has placed me with. Last week I shared with Kacy my prayer and something she said couldn't be more forward. So stop praying and do it. Aaaaand she's right. I could pray every day for strength to ask for help. And God could do anything to make me ask but what would be the point if he stepped in all the time? In this sit...

I need to climb that mountain?

Keep walking with me along the path I have chosen for you. Your desire to live close to me is a delight to My heart. I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not my way for you. Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain. The journey is arduous at times, and you are weak. Someday you will dance lightfooted on the high peaks; but for now, your walk is often plodding and heavy. All I require of you is to take the next step, clinging to my hand for strength and direction. Though the path is difficult and the scenery dull at the moment, there are sparkling surprises just around the bend. Stay on the path I have selected for you it is truly the path of life.            - Jesus Calling I just felt like writing a quick post but today I was really encouraged reading the Jesus Calling devotion this morning. The past couple weeks have been a new stretch for me at Ten Thousand Homes. Our team, community development, have ...

Dwell in my Presence

Remember the last post? The little girl. It's crazy, cause now every Wednesday I recognize the same little face running up to me, smiling with her arms up. Her contagious giggle as I'm chasing her. These kids are so freaking adorable! I love this job, I cant think of any other job that could make me any more happy. These past few weeks God has been showing how much he loves me and wants to have an intimate relationship with me. And just like that picture He wants us to go to him and be real. To carry my situations, stress, worries, doubts and just speak it to our Father. Knowing that his wisdom is far beyond ours and when I become frustrated I know it is now beyond my capacity. And even in the struggle or pain it will all be worth it. Gods glory will out shine and overcome the darkness. And in the struggle God is shaping and molding new in us! And here's a song that I have been putting on repeat..
It seems that I can't stay away from winter. Going home after my DTS to one of the worst winters in michigan and few months later coming back here (South Africa) to their winter season. And coming from a Michigander it does get pretty cold at night! I just want some hot sun! I will regret saying that when summer roles around. But it has already been 3 weeks! Time sure flies by when you are busy. For some that might not know I am a staff member at Ten Thousand Homes, and joined the Community Development Team. It has been amazing seeing faces again here on base and out in the communities. Wednesday is our regular Mbonisweni after school program and I challenged myself that day to be more interactive with the kids and show them they are loved. Once all the kids rolled into the program I spotted a little girl sitting on the ground all by herself, looking down, pulling the grass. Here's my chance. I walked up to her and sat down beside her. I smiled but she gave me a stare ...

God can fix trucks?!

Our second week in Swaziland but our first week in a new community, Mpofu. Our duty that week was to run a revival service for a church. It was an awesome experience being able to run a whole service, doing the preaching, dramas and songs. And seeing the revivals of many adults and the youth. Having that fire burn for God again and going back to that first love they had for God. But to start the week off the preacher, of the church we would be with, gave us the job to do some home visits in his community. Yeah let's go!! It was Monday morning and we all piled into this small bukkie, a truck. A team of 10, there was 8 sitting in the bed of the truck, don't worry its "safe" in Africa, someone in the passenger seat and me the driver. The night before, our leaders went with the pastor to his church to introduce themselves. As we turned onto a dirt road that morning Mzwandile, one of the leaders, couldn't remember where the church was. It was dark when they went ...

He Shows up Right Where You Are!

Gods love. What do we know of Gods love? How deep is it embedded in your heart, soul, mind? Coming into DTS I was looking to know God more, and about myself, but to begin a relationship with God. Go deeper with Him. Never before I thought you needed a real relationship with God. I honestly thought you can get by with just some prayers here and there, and go to church. I never really lived a day where I completely relied on him for strength, provision, guidance, etc.. Our class was into the second week... I was struggling. I was completely lost and empty. I couldn't hear Jesus speaking to me or noticing his presence. In those quiet times I would sit there, on a rock or under a tree, starring out in the distance. It was so awkward for me, not really understanding the point of quiet time. Read a couple verses or a chapter in the Bible. Okay, what did I get out of that read? Do I pray now? Doubt started to roll through my mind and why I was even there . But I was just flat o...


Such a handsome group isn't it? Yup. That's the family. In that group you have close to half of the world! You've got Merica in there, Brasil, Finland, Germany, South Africa, oh and even Australia. Well alright not half of the world but enough countries and cultures to make all the sense to have this group be punching and yelling at each other within just a week. Am I right?             Very Happy to say though, that didn't happen! Through the 5 months of YWAM DTS God had put unity in our family , He had put love in our family , He had put understanding, respect, transparency, and the list could go on and on. Not going to lie though the first couple weeks in September were rough getting through the language barriers, personalities, etc. but God had special plans for this group of world changers.              It didn't start out being called a family. God had to real...